Sunday, April 19, 2020

Similarities Between Children And Their Parents Essays - Family

Similarities Between Children And Their Parents The Similarities and Differences Between Parents and Their Children The transition from childhood to adulthood is a journey undergone by all, but all in a different way. While some people believe that the maturation process is a time for one to develop one's individuality and uniqueness from one's parental figures, others believe that growing up is a fine-tuning of beliefs, morals and ideology passed down from generation to generation. The old saying A chip of the old block in most cases applies to every human, regardless of how different one may seem from one's parents. Qualities are inherited that cannot be suppressed and will always prevail despite how much one may want to differ form one's parents. While protruding into this topic, valuable issues must be discussed; moral ideology, lifestyles, social influences, and physical attributes are all factors in the distinction between a child and his/her parents. Morals are one of the key ingredients in raising a child. These thoughts are passed from the parent to the youngster from birth and possibly even as far as death. Parents are always helping the development of morals weather intentional or through actions displayed by the parent. Although a parent may not even realize that morals are being taught, the idea of good and bad are presented even in the act of disciplining a child. Kids grow up learning how to handle situations from past experiences and the lessons that have been attained. Perhaps a simple example of this rational is the lesson of truth. When a child lies to his/her mother, the mother reprimands the child and disciplinary action may be taken. If appropriately used, the punishment will teach the child that it is unacceptable to lie. As time progresses, the child will usually develop an understanding to tell the truth. This is important in comparing a child from a parent because if the parent never learned that it is inapprop riate to lie, then the child will most likely understand the importance of truth because truth was not a moral prevalent in the child's upbringing. Although parents most often teach commendable lessons, negative morals can also be developed in a person due to actions taken by the parent in the past. For example, it is a possibility that a parent is always pushing a child to attend church. When the child loathes attending services and tries at all costs to avoid them, a resistance to religion can be formed. The child can develop excuses as to why attending church is pointless and begin to believe these reasons. Further down in life a complete opposition to religion could possibly be established based on the roots of a boring mass. Now the parent whose morals are set in organized religion has a child who has drifted away from religion and entirely new ideas are developed in his/her mind. Morals play an important part in comparing and contrasting the similarities between a parent and a child. The presence of morals usually is passed down to the child, however sometimes the moral ideology presents itself in a completely different manner that proposes opposition between parents and children. While morals are very relevant to the discussion of behavioral similarities and differences between parents and children, lifestyles and the reasons behind a chosen lifestyle is also a prevalent topic in the discussion. Some people tend to choose a similar path that their parents have chosen, while others choose to break away and take a completely alternate route. The way one lives depends largely upon his/her personality and motivation, which in turn, is greatly effected by the parents. If one is brought up in an environment that is very neat and tidy, most likely that person will follow the habits of growing up in that manner and will continue to keep things orderly. The effect can be best described in terms of the word imitation. Because the child is so used to doing things a certain way, when the absence of the parent arises, the habits are carried over. Usually this process goes either one of two ways: the child either mimics the parent's habits or the child develops a resistanc e. Typically when youths reach college, they are

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