Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sep 11th essays

Sep 11th essays September 11th, 2001 a day Americans will never forget, a day of mourning and sorrow. The time was approximately 9:10am on Tuesday morning. I was awaiting the arrival of my friend Michael at the Nassau Community fountain. We had the next 3 hours off and figured we would go get a bite to eat. Next to me there were two people talking, I couldnt help to overhear one of the boys say The world trade center was just blown up, come here you can see some of the smoke. Well obviously not knowing this boy, and avoiding making a fool of my self I stayed put, and didnt follow him. I just stood there wondering if this kid was for real. My friend arrived and we headed to his car to begin our long off period. When we got into the car I said Mike, I heard the world trade center was blown up. He had the same initial response that I had; he said bull shit, no way. I then recommended we tune into 660, they are always on top of the news. We were greeted with the first and scariest statement, the world trade center has just collapsed, and this is absolute mayhem... Previous to our off period we planned to stop at Best Buy, so I could purchase a DVD. When we arrived there we headed straight over to the television area. One or two customers had been hovered over the set to see what had happened. Within a few minutes many customers and concerned civilians gathered around the television set to find out exactly what had happened. We stood there with about 50 people staring at the TV, in shock and confusion. You could tell by the look on some of the peoples face they were wondering, who would do such a terrible thing, and if their friends and family were alright. Many of them already had proceeded to making cell phone calls. I remember the cell phone service being very boggled down, making it difficult to make calls, due to the large call value at that time. After about 30 minutes or so at Bes...

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