Thursday, February 27, 2020

Compare & Contrast Edgar Allen Poe's The Tell Tale Heart and The Fall Essay

Compare & Contrast Edgar Allen Poe's The Tell Tale Heart and The Fall of the House of Usher - Essay Example â€Å"†¦found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. I know not how it was - but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit. †¦I looked upon the scene before me - upon the mere house, and the simple landscape features of the domain - upon the bleak walls - upon the vacant eye-like windows - upon a few rank sedges - and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Baym/Poe, 1553) Against this gloomy background we are introduced to the narrator who remains nameless as is the narrator in The Tell-Tale Heart. In typical Gothic fashion The Fall of the House of Usher’s narrator introduces a striking contrast. He is about to enter the gloomy house with a view to bringing some cheer to his friend, Roderick Usher’s melancholic mood. (Byam/Poe, 1553) True to Gothic form Poe has succeeded in introducing us to a subliminal element. This is a subliminal element in that the reader will not hesitate to latch onto as a false sense of security, expecting brightness and a cure to the malady afflicting Roderick Usher. This is a typical technique of Gothic writers. (Punter, 116) The Gothic element of fear is set up in a different way in The Tell-Tale Heart. The narrator first introduces us to fear that has been instilled in him as a result of the physical condition of an old man’s eye which he described as: â€Å"One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture -- a pale blue eye with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me my blood ran cold, and so by degrees, very gradually, I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye for ever.†(Baym/Poe, 1589) Both tales describe madness in a similar nature. Although in The Fall of the House of Usher, madness is viewed as a malady to be cured while in The Tell-Tale Heart madness is viewed with optimism. Usher who is a hypochondriac complains of having an over sensitivity to sight and sound

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Community assessment of Marinette, Wisconsin Research Paper

Community assessment of Marinette, Wisconsin - Research Paper Example On the other hand, it is said that approximately ten percent of all families and 34 percent of families with a female householder and no husband present had incomes below the poverty level (Bayless, B. 2005). The below graph shows the poverty levels at the county of Marinette. The major cause of non violence related death in the county of Marinette is mainly the usually the lung related ailments and this are mainly caused by smoking of tobacco. It is reported that approximately about 15% of all the deaths which are reported in this county is due to smoking. It is also said that cigarette smoking do usually cause about 79% of all the lung cancer deaths in this county and about 13% of all the deaths in this county is due to heart related ailments (Bayless, B. 2005). According to the police unit in this county, the overall crime rate which was reported in this state is the highest in all the counties in the Wisconsin state. However, most of the crimes which are committed in this state mainly consist of petty robbery which is followed by burglary. Assault is also on the increase in this states and the below table highlights the crime rate at this country and it is based on statistics which were collected in the year 2004. As at the year 200, the major language which was spoken in this county is the Germany language and this was attributed to the fact most of the inhabitants of this county are whites from Germany and they consist about 37.8% of all the white population which is about 98.08%. Other primary languages which are spoken in this country include English and polish. The secondary language includes Spanish, French, Hindu and the native language. According to the below table, we can see that the population of this county is somehow composed of whites and the majority of the whites are from Germany and hence making it the major language which is spoken in this county. The Germans are also followed by the polish and of which some of them speak the Germany language. Marinette County, Wisconsin Estimate Total: 42,729 White alone 41,653 Black or African American alone 106 American Indian and Alaska Native alone 314 Asian alone 64 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 0 Some other race alone 256 Two or more races: 336 Two races including Some other race 32 Two races excluding Some other race, and three or more races 304 Source: U.S Census Bureau, 2005-2007 American Community survey. What are the 3 main causes of death in the community The main cause of death in the community is mainly attributed to heart and lung related ailments. Most of these deaths are usually attributed to smoking of cigarettes which have affected most of the community members. Also